Belize Announced Request for Expression of Interest for Solar PV Project

The Central Executing Unit (CEU), on behalf of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), invites Expressions of Interest (“EOI”) from qualified developers for the development, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of grid-connected solar photovoltaic (“PV”) plants, with a total expected installed capacity of up to 80MW (the “Project”). The Project is a key initiative to support the country’s renewable energy transition and energy security goals. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has been appointed by the GoB as transaction advisor to MOF to attract private sector participation for the development, finance, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Project.

The objective of the Project is to increase renewable energy generation, enhance grid stability, and mobilize private sector investment. A pre-assessment (evaluation of the regulatory, policy framework and electricity demand) has already been completed during which the GoB has identified potential project sites, and further studies are currently being conducted to assess their suitability.

This Project is being structured under a two-phase process: Phase 1 (Due Diligence & Transaction Structuring) is underway and should be finalized by June 2025. Once Phase 1 is finalized, the Project will move into Phase 2 (Contract Drafting & Tender Implementation).

The selected private sector partner(s) will be responsible for the following:

  1. Obtaining necessary permits and approvals in accordance with Belizean regulations.
  2. Developing, financing, engineering, procurement, construction, operation, and maintenance of up to 80MW of solar PV plants.
  3. Grid integration, ensuring compliance with technical, environmental, and regulatory requirements.
  4. Engagement on gender-related KPIs, which will be discussed with GoB for potential inclusion in the tender process.

Interested parties are hereby invited to submit an EOI package including:

  1. Company Profile: Description of experience, ownership structure, and key personnel.
  2. Summary of Past Solar PV or IPP Projects: Details on project capacity, location, role.
  3. Financial Capability Statement: Evidence of funding capacity.
  4. Project Approach: High-level plan for the development, financing, and integration of the solar PV plants.

Written EOIs in English should be addressed by email to the Ministry of Economic Development at and the Central Execution Unit at with copy to IFC and by April 14th, 2025 – 11:59 PM.

Parties that have expressed interest will receive information on how to participate in the next phase of the procurement process.

This effort is supported by funding secured by the Government of Japan and Global Infrastructure Fund.